Daniel Ling Appointed Officer of The Order of Canada

In a tribute to the extraordinarily accomplished career of Daniel Ling, Ph.D., Director Emeritus of Auditory-Verbal International, the Governor General of Canada recently appointed Dr. Ling an Officer of the Order of Canada, the centerpiece of the Canadian Honors system.

This outstanding achievement recognizes Dr. Ling's excellence in his life's work: the education of deaf and hard-of-hearing children.  This is truly a significant and joyous event for both Dr. Ling and AVI.

In an investiture ceremony on September 23, 1999, at Rideau Hall, the Governor General's official residence in Ottawa, the Governor General formally welcomed Dr. Ling as an Officer of the Order.  The Order of Canada is the highest honor that Canada can give its citizens for exceptional achievement, merit, or service and pays tribute to those who exemplify the highest qualities of citizenship and whose contributions enrich the lives of their contemporaries.  The motto of the Order is "Desiderantes meliorem patriam -- They desire a better country."

In awarding Dr. Ling this honor, the Governor General specifically noted that the work of Dr. Ling has changed the education of children with hearing impairment and that his groundbreaking textbook, Speech and the Hearing Impaired Child, is regarded as one of the leading resources for speech therapy and is used internationally as a reference.  The Governor General further noted that virtually all over the world, Dr. Ling has helped establish new clinics, trained new teachers, and advised concerned parents on their children's special needs.

With fond appreciation, AVI extends its congratulations to an extraordinary man, Dr. Daniel Ling, for this extraordinary achievement.

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